Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Detail explanation on the F grade on the math 1A and the D grade on Essay

Detail explanation on the F grade on the math 1A and the D grade on HUMA 10 - Essay Example fever, I was unable to take the final exam in Math 1A and this caused my overall grade to suffer an F-mark for the course when I failed to notify my instructor properly of the unfortunate health situation. The same fate went with Human Development 10 on which I obtained a D, having had unlikely chances of catching up and improving performance made by my sickness and frequent absenteeism thereof. My family preferred to look after me at the time so I mostly underwent medications at home rather than in the hospital. In that span, I managed to reflect deeply on my physical well-being and the measures I ought to account for seriously to guard my health and thereby prevent any sort of illness to interfere in my future studies. Now, I am once again ready to confront the challenges of education and I believe that my admission to UC is something that would further enrich my personal growth in several aspects other than scholastic endeavour through the school’s up-to-date curricular design and fully equipped facilities of

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