Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Exley Chemical Company Analysis

The Exley Chemical Company Analysis Muhao Zhou Abstract The Exley chemical company is a major chemical manufacturer making primarily industrial chemicals, plastics, and consumer products. Company sales and profits have grown, and its ratio of net profits to sales I about average for the industry. However, in the last year, both sales and profits have been disappointing. [G1]The company thinks it is the problem of new products constantly being introduced into the line and methods are changing constantly. This is not the major reason about company lost competition. [G2][G3]The major problem is internal conflict between team members and departments. Another problem is poor leadership and management of each department. Managers must find and implement ways that allow Exley Chemical Company operate efficiently. Conflict resolution and large group intervention may help the company [G4]achieve the goal.[G5][G6] Exley Chemical Company Case analysis Internal conflict problems are inevitable within an organization no matter the structure. The problems will exist unless companys managers recognize the situation and fix the problems. The cause of these problems is a result of [G7]departments conflict, unclear goals, disobedience, and lack of communications between each department.[G8][G9][G10] Conflicts were created with almost all the departments. The product development division using a small force of specialty sales people to conduct pilot marketing programs an initiative which was not well received by marketing people. The product division was given responsibility for market research. However, these still remained in the market division. After these things, the company set up a product manager for each group of products. This made company has more problems. [G11]First, the Product manager quarrels with the marketing department. The product manager often visits customers to get feedback while marketing executives are doing the same thing at same time. At this period of time, customers often get confused by this. The marketing vice president thinks that the product development intervenes their work. This should be marketing developments work. [G12][G13]Second, the calculating sales estimates are causing misinformation to be produced since the norm[G14]al within the compa ny[G15] is to use the total market as opposed to their share of the market.[G16] The product development group did not follow companys guidelines. They were doing this in their own way. [G17]Third, the company ignored the [G18]customers ideas and competitors in industry. When most customers give advice for the company, they did not give feedback on this. The competitors have a lower price of the similar products compare with Exley.   Each division head works on the project that makes the most for their division. They want to [G19][G20][G21]maximize the potential of their department. This is not the companys goal after examining the environment of Exleys business. [G22]Organizational environments are everything beyond the boundaries of organizations that can directly or indirectly affect performance and outcomes. It includes external agents that directly affect the organization, such as suppliers, customers, regulators, and competitors, as well as indirect influences in the wider c ultural, political, and economic context. There are two classes of environments called general environment and industry structure or task environment. In this case, Exley companys general environment is certain and simple. Technologically, the company is dependent on new products innovation. At industry structure or task environment, as defined by Michael Porter, an organizations task environment consists of fine forces: supplier power, buyer power, threats of substitutes, threats of entry and rivalry among competitions. [G23][G24]At this point, Exley Company is moderated competitive and high pressure on profits. The threats of entry are low. It is difficult and costly to enter this market. Chemical industry needs high knowledge research people to keep innovation and equipment is expensive to obtain. The threats of substitute products are high. The competitors always have methods to get more market share with a lower price or new products. The force of suppliers power is low because the resources are available anywhere. The customers forces are high. The buyers are willing to pay a low price for similar products. Finally, rivalry among firms is severe. The Exley chemical company current is the average of the total industry which indicates that they have a lot of competitors. [G25][G26][G27][G28][G29][G30]The company is facing the threats from buyer power and rivalry among competitions but none of them get noticed by the company.[G31][G32][G33][G34][G35][G36][G37][G38][G39][G40][G41][G42][G43] Exley chemical company establish the product development division to manage the increasing number of new products. The product development division was charged with coordinating in developing new products, including recommending manufacturing capacity, sales programs, and so on. The company has found the problems and conflict in several departments. The role of this division is like OD practitioner.   [G44]Based on the book, OD is vitally dependent on effective diagnosis to access how the organization in functioning and to choose an appropriate change intervention. New product development division has taken on a life of its own, opting to market its new developments instead of passing the new products to the other divisions to handle their usual responsibilities. It is difficult to coordinate the companies operations under this division. The director of product development division who should have the expertise and experience to work with members on the issues like an OD practition er but the self-proclaimed independence of this new division is causing conflicts among the other divisions that previously collaborated effectively. New division could not solve the problems of lack communication between each division. [G45][G46] Exley chemical companys organization structure is also a big problem. The company is a matrix organization. Matrix organizational designs originally evolved in the aerospace industry, where changing customer demands and technological conditions caused managers to focus on lateral relationships between functions to develop a flexible and adaptable system of resources and procedures, and to achieve a series of project objectives. On the positive side, it allows multiple orientations. New products or projects can be implemented quickly by using people flexible and moving between product and functional orientations as circumstances demand. It can maintain consistency among departments and projects by requiring communication among managers. Unfortunately, Exley chemical company did not get any advantage on that organization structure. [G47][G48][G49]There are miscommunicate with each divisions managers and unable to shift emphasis by environment changes. Matrix structures are motivating a nd exciting for many people. On the negative side, the company without balancing between product and functional forms which lower the overall performance. The crisis management and conflicts under inconsistent demands by this structure. Matrix structures are appropriate under three important conditions. First, there must be [G50]outside pressures for a dual focus. Exley chemical company has a unique research department which focuses on innovation new products[G51]. They also have different products in several markets. Second, the organization must process a large amount of information. When external environmental demands change, the company should have to make a proper decision. Exley Company cannot process a large amount of information. [G52][G53][G54]Most important information from competitors and customers were ignored by the company because of the lack of communications and team collaboration inefficiently in the organization. [G55][G56][G57]Third, there must be pressures for sh ared resources. When customer demands vary greatly and technological requirements are strict, valuable human and physical resources are likely to be scarce. Exley chemical company might fail under this structure if any of these conditions are not met. [G58][G59] Recommendations for Exley chemical company Based on the analysis above, I would recommend an intergroup conflict intervention and select an OD professional from outside to training and helping organization managers. Intergroup conflict intervention is designed specifically to help two or more groups or departments within an organization resolve dysfunctional conflicts. In this case, there are conflicts between the different divisions as to who is responsible for what and when. Whether it between the product division and the marketing division, or the sales department and the marketing division, each of them must be able to overcome these problems. According to Blake and his associates, the basic strategy for improving intergroup relationships consists of a ten-step procedure. For Exley chemical company to apply this intergroup conflict intervention, the external OD practitioner should obtain all these department managers agreement to work together. OD practitioner set a time for managers to meet. The next thing is OD practitioner with managers describe the purpose and objectives of the meeting: to develop better mutual relationships, explore the perceptions the groups have of each other and form ulate plans for improving the relationship. The OD practitioner lets each group managers answer the questions and describes other managers. In this case, I would question the managers: what is your department goal and what is your job? and what do you think other departments goal and what is their job? After they completing their questions, each group managers should present their answers. By this point, the misperceptions and discrepancies have been brought to light. The managers of the company could thoroughly understand each other job and goals. At last, [G60][G61][G62]managers are asked to set a specific plan of action for solving problems and for improving their relationships. There will be a follow-up meeting about how these problems implemented and identify any further problems that have emerged. [G63][G64] Intergroup conflict intervention will keep the companies goals in mind and everyone working in the same direction.[G65][G66][G67][G68][G69] Another recommendation is Exley chemical company should find an external consultant or OD practitioner to find and solve companys problems.   The current product development division seems like a role of OD but they are not experienced and professional to solve the conflicts among the departments in an organization.[G70][G71] Conclusion Matrix structure organization like Exley chemical company has its own advantages and disadvantages. I would not recommend that Exley chemical company restructures the organization. [G72]The major problems of Exley chemical company are conflicts among each department. Lack of communication of departments causes each department just work on their own project. [G73]Intergroup Conflict intervention and OD practitioner will help managers achieve their task and solve organizations problems.[G74][G75][G76][G77]

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Impulsive Behavior Essay

April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho went on a shooting rampage killing thirty-two college students at Virginia Tech. University before killing himself. This horrifying massacre can be associated with a poor impulsive behavior. Many devastating incidents throughout the years can be associated with poor impulsive decisions. Throughout the years Impulsive behaviors have often been viewed differently. For example, older American Writers seemed to view impulsive behaviors as negative traits, while earlier American Writers found them to be more acceptable. Three American Writers specifically stood out amongst others: Benjamin Franklin, Frederick Douglass, and Theodore Roethke. Our current generation mainly views impulsive behavior as a negative characteristic or inclination. Nowadays, impulsive behaviors are often correlated with diseases or psychological problems. Benjamin Franklin (1731-1813) was one of the oldest authors we read in class. I learned much about Franklin from his autobiography. Franklin was dedicated, disciplined, and focused, which left no room for impulses. Impulses often involved spontaneity and the unknown, which would not follow Franklin’s type of life style. He set aside an hour each day for reading and never missed a chance to find new books. Although he was very disciplined, he felt like it was not enough. That is why he dedicated 13 specific virtues to follow: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, and finally humility. He even set up a calendar to mark the virtues he had accomplished each day. On the top of his weekly virtue chart, he followed a saying, â€Å"Eat not to dullness. Drink not to elevation† (Franklin, 286). Not only did he have a calendar made up for virtues, but also he had a day-by-day schedule set up that accounted for each hour of the day. He would dedicate a certain amount of time for hygiene, work, reading, dinner and rest. In Benjamin Franklin’s life there was no room for profligacy. Someone that plans out every hour of everyday obviously does not leave any room for impulses, and that was exactly how Franklin liked to live his life. He did not like surprises and enjoyed knowing every detail of each day. To Franklin, family and love did not matter; the only thing that mattered was success. Often when it comes to love and intimacy, impulses are right around the corner, which is one of the reasons why Franklin was not very emotional. He eventually got married, but he was more thankful for the help his wife provided in the printing press than the emotional feelings he had for her. Franklin was not the only author we read in class that felt this way about impulsive behavior. Like Franklin, Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) was another older author who believed that impulsive behavior was a negative attribute. He was a self-educated slave and knew the only way that he would become free one day was to become erudite. He learned how to read and write by tracing the letters on the prows of boats. After reading his autobiography, it was easy to tell why someone like Douglass would hate impulses. He knew that if he ever acted upon impulses it was very likely he would have been beaten or even worse, killed. He also hated impulses because he knew when his masters beat him that they were acting out on impulses as well. For these reasons, Douglass could never agree with impulses or support anyone who acted upon them. Although Douglass and Franklin did not agree with impulses, there were many other authors we read in class who strongly supported them. Unlike his predecessors Franklin and Douglas, Theodore Roethke (1908-1963) felt that impulsive behavior should be embraced and enjoyed. He was a poet whose poems symbolized fate and destiny, which is normally defined by impulsive decisions. After reading many of his poems, I could tell that he did not make plans, and he just acted upon his feelings and emotions. I got the feeling that he would follow his instincts no matter where they would lead him, â€Å"God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there, And learn by going where I have to go† (Roethke 1146). Obviously, someone that just follows his instincts is not very disciplined and does not plan out his life. He believed impulses were the only way to live one’s life. In his poems you could derive a sense of spontaneity and originality. He explains how he followed his fate and thinks by feelings, â€Å"I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. We think by feeling. What is there to know? † (Roethke 1145). Roethke wrote many of his poems about love, and as it suggests love is usually a spontaneous and intimate feeling. It seemed that as time progressed, the view on impulsive behavior changed in American Writers from conservative to more acceptable. I wanted to see if the same shift took place in our culture as well so I decided to do my own research using the Michigan State University library system. It was difficult to find articles that supported both sides of the argument, but I eventually found two books that had conducted many studies and trials. I also found two journal articles that helped support my thesis as well. Generally, my research showed that impulsivity is regarded negatively. In Impulsivity and Aggression, they explain how impulsivity is a phenomenon that is present in all species and â€Å"manifests as effects, emotions, and observable behaviors† (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 28). Basically, this means that not only humans are susceptible to impulsive behavior, but also animals and other species. However, the focus of the research is on the effects of impulses on human decisions. The majority of the studies conducted in these different articles all seemed to come to one conclusion: impulsive behavior only leads to negative side effects. Every example of impulsive behavior in this book represented some sort of violence or disorder. â€Å"Impulsivity and aggression contribute to major public health problems such as crime, violence, homicide, suicide, substance abuse, and sexual dyscontrol† (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 1). Basic emotions such as fear and anger are often defined as impulsive emotions, which are difficult to resist and may be harmful to themselves or others. Oldham, Hollander, and Skodol reinforce this view, â€Å"Traditionally, psychopathological states characterized by impulse behavior, such as substance abuse, rage, outbursts, violence, suicidal or self-destructive acts, binge eating, sexual promiscuity, or social irresponsibility, have been conceptualized as disorders of deficient impulse control† (J. Oldham & E. Hollander & A. Skodol ix). Not a single example in my sources supports a positive side to impulsive behavior. They constantly relate disorders such as kleptomania, pathological gambling, and pyromania to impulses. These studies used scales that measured impulsive behavior by using both personality dimensions and clinical syndromes. These scales are tools used for measuring the outcome of interventions. The effects of impulsive behavior are causing a need for concern, and therefore action must be taken to help prevent these individuals from hurting themselves or others. It is apparent that our current generation’s outlook on impulsive behavior is all-negative. This negative outlook has caused different treatment strategies throughout the years. The majority of these treatments involved medical psychiatric medications for borderline personality disorders (BPD) (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 263). The purpose is to control the aggression, hostility, impulsivity, and liability of mood associated illnesses. There are many medications currently being used, but the most popular consist of Neuroleptics, Anticonvulsants, Anti depressants, and Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SRIs). These treatments have greatly reduced the negative impulsive behaviors for specific patients. Neuroleptics have been the group of medications most studied in controlled trials investigating Pharmacological treatment of BPD (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 264). These agents are used based on â€Å"their theoretical ability to dampen aggressive outbursts and decrease psychotic thinking. † (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 264). Trials were conducted to test these neuroleptics against placebo control agents, which resulted in an improvement in anxiety, rejection sensitivity, and suicidal thoughts. Another treatment that helps decrease anxiety, irritability, and anger are Anticonvulsants. A trial was conducted to test the effectiveness of Anticonvulsants and eleven out of fifteen patients opted to remain on this medication after the study’s conclusion (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 266). Even when a small behavioral dyscontrol did occur, it was far less severe than while on the placebo. Antidepressants are also a very popular form of medication, but might not be the best for every individual. Studies conducted show that fifty percent of individuals felt improvements in irritability, energy, and depression were modest or unremarkable (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 266). â€Å"The enefits of specific antidepressants are limited, and there is little data to suggest a diminution of impulsivity in any of these studies. † (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 267). SRIs have been proven to help with depression, panic, obsessionality, suicidality, self-injury, somatization, eating disorders, and anxiety (E. Hollander and Dan J. Stein 268). The most widely used SRI is Fluoxetine, which has been the best studied of the SRIs for treatment of impulsive and aggressive symptoms. If Seung-Hui Cho had not acted upon impulses, than maybe those thirty-two students would still be with us today. Although earlier American Writers found impulsive behaviors more acceptable, it is apparent that impulsive behaviors lead to a state of chaos and pandemonium. As time progressed, the view on impulsive behavior changed from negative to more acceptable until a certain point was reached. After a certain point, impulsive behaviors took over and caused a state of chaos and pandemonium. The chaos these impulsive behaviors inhibited can be demonstrated as school shootings, terrorist attacks, or mental instabilities. It is important to control certain impulses because otherwise they can lead to severe consequences or even worse, death.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Functional Area Interrelationships Essay

The primary goal of this paper is to outline the functional area interrelationships of Kudler Fine Foods- a high-end, successful food store that feature some of the finest wines, cheese, produce, and pastries. Kudler has been in business for 15 years to date and target store locations that caters to the wealthy and cleaver shoppers. This paper will detail how Kudler strong mission, vision, values, and goals can be credited to the success of the company. Low high-end food cost for good quality food and store convenience is also key reasons for Kudler success. Kudler Fine Foods availability of upscale food choices within a customer’s state or country is massive and will be over-the-top accessible in every country via Internet. Kudler also had a strong collaboration process that ensured all objectives were convey clear and concise. The importance will set the tone of the company decision making and all agreements with all parties as to what they are to expect. Kudler Fine Foods stakeholders are those who makes up the company indirect or direct. This can be anywhere from customers, banks, to staff, all get a chance to share in the business success. Kudler keeps up with the going trends of society through strong marketing, and this is one other area that can be credited to their success. Functional Area Interrelationships Kudler Fine Foods is a specialty food store featuring the best domestic and imported foods including produce, cheeses, pastries, and wines. Kudler currently services three locations in the San Diego metropolitan area, La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas. Each store is within a stylish shopping center and consists of approximately 8,000 square feet that provides ample room for their wide variety of specialty foods. This paper will detail Kudler’s primary reasons for existence, analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure, identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process. It will also identify the use of lateral and vertical collaboration and provide an example, and identifying the key stakeholders and the collaborative interactions among them to achieve success. Organization’s Existence Kudler Fine Foods mission states that they are committed to providing their customers with the finest selection of the very best foods and wines so that culinary visions can come true (Apollo Group, Inc., 2011). Their vision statement is in align with their mission statement in that â€Å"they want be the premiere gourmet grocery store for those savvy shoppers who are searching for the finest meats, produce, cheeses, and wine† (Apollo Group, Inc., 2011). Kudler’s primary reason for existence is a mixture of their mission and vision statements along with the values the company holds and is to offer customers an upscale shop that has many of the finest choices of foodstuff from around the world and is available at one convenient location. Kudler’s has strategic marketing goals in place to reach more customers through expansion, including the use of an Internet market. An increase in revenues as well as lowering costs are strategic moves for Kudler’s to make while holding true to their mission statement of providing the highest quality products available. Organizational Structure The most common types of organizational structures are chosen based on the company goals and strategic plans. Small businesses usually start with a flat organizational structure. The employees of various backgrounds share business decisions and responsibilities. Kudler Fine Foods was the result of a developed business plan after six months, when Kathy Kudler, the vice-president of another company, looked for new opportunities and to open the first store in June 18, 1998. Kudler Fine Foods has a product organizational structure commonly used in retail companies that have stores in various cities. Each city where they have a store still needs local human resources, managers, and marketing departments to carry out business functions locally. Kudler Fine Foods has different food departments from bakery, meat and seafood, cheese and diary, and wine. The diverse product lines may consider a product structure. Depending on the product expertise and top priority, taking the different aspects of the products and the variance of merchandise, are part of a product organization that focuses on a superior product quality, and with the extensive collection of fine foods that Kudler Fine Foods provide to their customers in their different locations. Collaboration Process In the collaboration process it is important to identify the right type of collaboration. For example, for Kudler Fine Foods it is better to have opened collaboration, vertical or horizontal collaboration. In the collaboration process, the company needs to make sure the objectives are clear, to understand the expectations, decision making, and agreements. The identification of the interested parties to meet the company objectives can understand the customer’s needs, interests, and expectations. The company must be willing to work with each individual for an honest, open atmosphere. It is important in the process of collaboration to create a deliberate structure that includes checkpoints, true information to engage in the process, and make decisions. Productive meetings and well defined structures can help the company as well as taking responsibility for planning, and using the appropriate technology for the benefit of the business. Kudler Fine Foods must have an open channel of communication with their customers by frequently providing surveys to the customers, what they can improve in the business and make the necessary changes to accomplish customers’ expectations and company goals. Possessing a strategy plan and reviewing the company goals is a key to having an action plan and a collaboration process, always to look for innovation, new technologies, and look how to expand business, and continue providing excellent service and gourmet products. Lateral and Vertical Collaboration Kudler Fine Foods strives to be the best at providing hard to find specialty foods; they offer the finest organic ingredients in meats, produce, cheeses, and wines (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). Kudler demonstrates vertical collaboration as the only specialty store in the area the products offer the customer a unique buying experience by striving to find the finest imported foods and wines that other stores do not carry. Kudler strives to be the best by catering to the customer’s needs, if there is a particular item the customer is looking for, Kudler works to bring that item to the customer. Kudler demonstrates lateral collaboration in the special organic foods they provide, Kudler purchases these products from local organic farmers where they give support to them as suppliers. Kudler also shows lateral collaboration buy hiring chefs and local celebrities to host in store parties that teach customers how to prepare specialty foods (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). Kudler should work on continuing to provide these specialized products as this the key to the business; they would do well in looking into the global market to provide items from different cultures as well as continuing to work with local suppliers. Key Stakeholders and Collaborative Interactions Stakeholders in a business are those that have an indirect or direct connection with the organization because of the effect by the organizations actions. The key stakeholders for Kudler fine foods are the staff, customers, wholesale suppliers, banks, competition, and Kathy Kudler the owner (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). The role of the stakeholders differs with the staff because it is critical to the operations as those interacting with the customers day-to-day. The customers are the reason for the business and provide for the business. The wholesale suppliers where the products come from and those that provide the quality for the customers. Banks give the credit that allows Kudler to conduct business. The competition keeps Kudler on their toes and makes them strive to be better. Kathy has the vision of the organization, is the main manager and controls the finances (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). Conclusion In conclusion, Kudler Fine Foods has its challenges to maintain one of the world’s finest food stores across the country and further for another 15 years. Their 8,000 square feet store that anchors within stylish shopping centers provides comfortable shopping for its customers. The sale of some of the finest diverse pastries, cheese, meat, dairy, etc. to a very diverse society on all four corners of the world took putting in place a strong collaboration process and dedicated stockholders. Because of those involved at the strategic planning stage gaining a clear understand as to what it was Kudler Fine Foods was trying to accomplish through goals, mission, and visions, the business remains successful to date. References Pearce, J. A. II, & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Thompson, A. A., Gamble, J. E., & Strickland, A. J. (2006). Strategy: Winning in the marketplace: Core concepts, analytical tools, cases (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Kudler Fine Foods. Universioty of Phoenix Student Website. Retrieved from: Ross strategy. Collaborative process. Retrieved Aug 8, 2013 from: Suttle.R .( 2013) Chron. Types of Organizational Structure in Management. Retrieved August 8, from: Uren. S, (2013) Green 5 Steps to successful collaboration. Retrieved Aug 8, 2013 from:

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Unilateral Early Breast Cancer Essay - 1547 Words

Materials and Methods Patients In this retrospective study, performed across 4 oncology centers in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, we evaluated 280 women who were diagnosed with unilateral early breast cancer from between March 2010 and October 2013. Patients received standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy (6-8 cycles of an anthracycline and Ttaxane-containingregimen) with or without trastuzumab according to the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status. After excluding patients who underwent breast conservative surgery because of a possible high incidence of recurrence, the included patients underwent modified radical mastectomy with axillary clearance followed by local radiotherapy with/without hormonal treatment for Candide patients,†¦show more content†¦Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to establish the HER2 status when IHC yielded equivocal results. The interpretation of HER2 FISH results (HER2- to-CEP 17 ratio and gene copy number) was as follows: positive HER2 amplification, FISH ratio 2.2 or HER2 gene 6.0; equivocal HER2 amplification, FISH ratio of 1.8-2.2 or HER2 gene copy of 4.0-6.0; and negative HER2 amplification, FISH ratio 1.8 or HER2 gene copy 4.0. Statistical Analysis SPSS version 17.0 was used for data analysis. Quantitative data are presented as the mean and standard deviation (SD). Parametric and non-parametric t-tests were used for comparison of two independent groups. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate overall survival. Overall survival was measured from the first day of treatment until death, while disease- free survival was defined as the period from the date of diagnosis until the date of first recurrence, either loco-regional or systemic. The log rank test was used to compare survival between the groups. The χ2 and Fisher exact tested were used to determine the proportion of independents. The logrank test was used to calculate P- values for the differences between groups. For all the above- mentioned statistical tests, the threshold of significance was fixed at the 5% level. The P value of 0.05: indicates non-significantShow MoreRelatedContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesin which he can combine conceptual understandings with pragmatic insights. He has been sought out to provide that extra element of conceptual clarity for the most complex of practical accounting endeavours. No doubt such abilities reflect Michael’s early grounding in both the practice of accounting and its economic theorization, the former at Ford and the latter initially at the London School of Economics and thereafter as a lifetime endeavour. But personal though his achievements may be, they areRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesMaking 193 Ethical Dilemma Do Unethical Decisions Come from Bad Character? 193 Case Incident 1 Computerized Decision Making 194 Case Incident 2 Predictions That Didn’t Quite Pan Out 195 7 Motivation Concepts 201 Defining Motivation 202 Early Theories of Motivation 203 Hierarchy of Needs Theory 203 †¢ Theory X and Theory Y 205 †¢ Two-Factor Theory 205 †¢ McClelland’s Theory of Needs 207 Contemporary Theories of Motivation 208 Self-Determination Theory 208 †¢ Job Engagement 211 †¢ Goal-Setting